Creating the model (SQL Model)


To set up a new database model:

  1. On the Database menu, click Models. The Model window opens.
  2. In the Model window, click [Add].
  3. Complete the Model and Description fields. You can use [Copy] and [Prefill] for this purpose.
  4. (optional)  open the Default Display Options window where you can define:
    • The font to use throughout your model.
    • The default fields and help notes to display for the model during takeoff.
  5. As you build the model, you can:
    • Add text.
    • Add questions

Adding a look up question to a model

Add a numeric question to a model

Add a yes/no question to a model

Connecting a look up question to an item or assembly variable

Connecting a numeric question to an item or assembly variable

Connecting a text question to an item or assembly variable

Using a yes/no question to display or hide an item or assembly line

    • Add items and assemblies
    • Edit an item, assembly, or variable database record
    • Enter default values
    • Set up logic to include or exclude a line during takeoff.
    • Improve the appearance of the model.
  1. Review the model and make changes as needed.
  2. When you finish setting up the model, click [OK] to save it.
  3. Set up additional models in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].


  • The warning "Incomplete - Check model" appears at the top of the window if your model contains fields with incomplete or incorrect information. Estimating marks these fields with . Run your cursor over the exclamation mark to see error details. Click to search for these fields or click Check Model for a complete list of errors.
  • The Model Database report is available from the Database - Reports menu.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB]
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