Using question formulas (SQL Model)

Using question formulas

Question formulas, which are specific to each model, provide logic during takeoff. Question formulas can calculate a value using the responses to one or more questions or determine the correct value based on certain conditions. They can even include the appropriate options by feeding a zero to the Quantity field of any item or assembly you want to exclude from your estimate.

To use a question formula to solve for any variable in an item or assembly, you simply select the question formula that will provide the correct value. If necessary, you can create whatever question formulas you need and check to make sure they return the proper values as you build the model.

In addition to using question formulas to solve for any variable in your model, you can also use them to determine which questions appear and how they are phrased. Click a link below to see examples of the many ways you can use question formulas to make takeoff more efficient:

Examples of question formulas used to calculate values

Note: Estimating names each question in the model Q#, where # is the number of the line that contains the question.

To change the name of a question, select a line, and then click image\qproprty.gif.

Question formula name

Question formula


Calc Wall Length'

=(Q3 + Q4) * 2

This question formula calculates the Calc Wall Length' variable in an assembly using the answers to Q3 "What is the garage length in feet?" and Q4 "What is the garage width in feet?"

Calc Footing Width"

=IF (Q5 <= 8,12,18)

This question formula loads the proper Calc Footing Width"based on the response to Q5 "What is the wall height in feet?"

An 8' height would provide a 12" footing and a 12' height would provide an 18" footing.

Select Double Door

=IF (Q6 = YES,1,0)

These question formulas select the proper garage door item based on the answer to Q6 "Do you want a two-car garage?"

A YES answer would include the double door item, and NO would include the single door item.

Select Single Door

=IF (Q6 = NO,1,0)

Example of a question formula used to determine question text

This question formula loads the proper question text based on the answer to Q7 "Is this opening a door?" A YES answer would complete the question to read, "What's the area of the door?," and a NO would complete the answer to read, "What's the area of the window?"

Question formula name: Door/Window Area

="What's the area of the "& IF (Q7 = YES,"door?","window?")


  • Any text you include in a formula must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Estimating names each question in the model Q#, where # is the number of the line that contains the question. To change the name of a question, select a line and click .

Examples of question formulas in line headers


Question formula name

Question formula



Door Area

= Q8 = YES

These question formulas determine the question that will load based on the answer to Q8 "Is this opening a door?"

A YES answer would load Q9, "What's the area of the door?"

A No answer would load Q10, "What's the area of the window?"


Window Area

= Q8 = NO


Calc Footing Width"

=IF (Q11 <= 8, YES, NO)

This question formula determines whether a specific item, in this case a 12" footing, will load based on the answer to Q11, "What is the wall height in feet?".

These question formulas determine the question that will load based on the answer to Q8 "Is this opening a door?" A YES answer would load Q9, "What's the area of the door?" A No answer would instead load Q10, "What's the area of the window?"

Question formula name: Door Area

= Q8 = YES

Question formula name: Window Area

= Q8 = NO

This question formula determines whether a specific item, in this case a 12" footing, will load based on the answer to Q11, "What is the wall height in feet?".

Question formula name: Calc Footing Width"

=IF (Q11 <= 8, YES, NO)


  • Estimating names each question in the model Q#, where # is the number of the line that contains the question. Select a line and click image\qproprty.gifto open the Properties window, where you can change the name of a question.
  • appears in line headers that contain formulas.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB]
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