SQL Server Cumulative Update (CU#) silently fails when installing in Database Administration in version 25.1 and later

 SQL Server Cumulative Update (CU#) silently fails when installing in Database Administration in version 25.1 and later


The server you are installing the update on may require a restart.


If the installation appears to hang longer than 15 minutes, then it may have silently failed due to the server requiring a restart. You can verify the install has silently failed by clicking the Upgrade SQL button again. If the button has not disabled (is clickable), then the install has failed. To resolve this issue:

  1. Close Database Administration.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Log back into Database Administration.
  4. Navigate to Server Management, then Upgrade SQL Server Instance (you may be automatically directed there), then click Upgrade SQL.

The upgrade should take no longer than 10-15 on most servers.

Steps to duplicate
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