How do I set up Statuses with Alternates in Sage Estimating SQL?
Add Alternate Statuses:

  1. From the Sage Estimating Ribbon, click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Statuses button to launch the Edit Alternate Statuses window.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the name for your Status.
  5. The "Include?" box is selected by default which will allow any Alternates that are assigned this status to be included in the Estimate. If you wish to exclude this status, Un-check the box. This option can be changed at any time.
  6. If you would like to include any notes about the status, enter them into the notes column.
  7. Click OK when completed.

Export Alternate Statuses:
Note: If you have a series of statuses that you would like to retain for future use in other Estimates, you can use the export feature to create a file in Microsoft Excel format which contains all statuses currently setup on the Estimate. This file can then be imported using the import feature in the Edit Alternate Statuses window.

  1. From the Sage Estimating Ribbon, click the Advanced tab. 
  2. Click the Statuses button to open the Edit Alternate Statuses window. 
  3. Click the Export button. 
  4. The Export Data dialog box will appear. Browse to the path where you would like to save the export and then click OK.
  5. A process indication will appear. Once complete you can click View Log to view the log file or click Close to complete the process.

Import Statuses:
Note: As an alternative to adding statuses one by one, you can also import statuses from a Microsoft Excel file that is formatted appropriately.

  1. From the Sage Estimating Ribbon, click the Advanced tab. 
  2. Click the Statuses button to open the Edit Alternate Statuses window. 
  3. Click the Import button. 
  4. Click Browse and select the Microsoft Excel file that contains the statuses you wish to import.
  5. Once the file has been selected, click OK to continue. 
  6. A process indication will appear. Once complete you can click View Log to view the log file or click Close to complete the process.
  7. Click OK to save all imported statuses.

Remove Statuses:
Note: You can remove Alternate Statuses from the Edit Alternates Statuses window the same way we remove Alternates.

Important: Any statuses removed will also be removed from the Alternates they are assigned to.

  1. From the Sage Estimating Ribbon, click the Advanced tab. 
  2. Click the Statuses button to open the Edit Alternates Status window. 
  3. Highlight the rows you wish to remove and then click the Remove button.
  4. Click OK to commit changes.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB] 


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