Setting up an assembly-specific variable (SQL)

Note: This feature is available only with a CORE product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

An assembly-specific variable is a copy of an existing variable that you have customized for use within a particular assembly. You can set up an assembly-specific variable during assembly takeoff, or while you are setting up or changing a standard database assembly.

To set up an assembly-specific variable:

In the Assembly Takeoff window:

  1. In the variable pane, right-click the variable you want to customize.
  2. Select Edit Variable from the shortcut menu.

In the Database Assembly window:

  1. Click [Test].
  2. In the Test Assembly window, click the right mouse button on the variable you want to customize, and then select Edit Variable from the shortcut menu.
  3. In the Variable window, change the information for the variable as desired.
  4. Select the Assembly only check box if it is not already selected.
  5. When you finish making changes, click [OK] to save the variable.
    The original variable is still stored in the database while the assembly-specific copy of that variable is stored with the assembly.
  6. Click [Close].
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