Setting up a new item table (SQL)
Note: This feature is available only with a CORE product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

Before you start

Before you start building assemblies, you should understand how Sage Estimating calculates the quantities for an assembly when you take it off.

To set up a new standard database assembly:

  1. Open the Assembly window in one of the following ways:
    • On the ribbon, from the Elements group on the Data tab, click Assemblies
    • In classic view, select Database menu > Assemblies > Smart Assemblies
  2. Click [Add].
  3. Complete the fields at the top of the window.
  4. Click [Insert], and then use the shortcut menu options to select items. You can insert items, item tables, and select-at-takeoff items.
  5. Review the item grid and make changes as needed.
    The calculation method (Calculation) specified for each item, table, or select-at-takeoff item determines how Sage Estimating calculates the item quantity. The calculation method is filled in with the formula you assigned to the standard database item. Check the calculation method for each item to make sure it is appropriate for the use of the item in this assembly.
    To change the calculation method (where I - item formula, * - factor, F - selected formula, fy - custom calculation), right-click a cell in the Calculation column, and then choose one of the following commands.
    • Use Custom Calculation enables you to set up a special formula for the item.
    • Use Factor uses the specified multiplier times the assembly quantity. For items without a formula, the default factor is 1.00. If you are creating a new assembly using the Save as Assemblies command, the factor is the takeoff quantity for that item.
    • Use Item Formula uses the formula attached to the item, if any.
    • Use Selected Formula enables you to choose some other formula.
    • Edit Calculation enables you to change a custom calculation.
      • To change an item calculation method, click the right mouse button from any Calculation cell to open a shortcut menu listing your editing options.
      • To customize a variable for use in this assembly only, set up an assembly-specific variable.
      • To make other changes in the item grid, click the right mouse button from any item row to open a shortcut menu listing your editing options.
  6. Click [Test], and then verify that the appropriate variables display for the assembly.
  7. When you finish setting up the assembly, click [OK] to save it.
  8. Set up additional assemblies in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].
    Tip: After you set up your assemblies, you can print the Assemblies reports from the Database Reports group on the Reports tab (in classic view, select Database menu > Reports) to check them.

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