How do I assign permissions to individual estimates? (SQL)
To assign permissions to individual estimates:
If you have the appropriate permissions, you can assign user permissions on an individual estimate basis. For example, you can grant a user permissions to view or edit estimate A, but not estimate B. 
Important: Ensure an individual user logs off Sage Estimating before changing his or her permissions.
  1. In the Security window, click the Estimates tab.
  2. Clear the Allow all users to view and edit all estimates option if it is selected,
  3. In the Estimates pane, locate the estimate to which you want to assign permissions.
  4. In the users grid below the Estimates pane, locate an user to whom you want to grant specific permissions and select the check box or check boxes as desired:
    • View: Allows the user to view the estimate but not save changes
    • Edit: Allows the user to view, edit, and delete the estimate

If you do not assign permissions for individual estimates, other users will not be able to view or edit an estimate unless they create it or they have administrative privileges assigned through the Estimating Management Console.

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