Before You Install or Upgrade Sage Estimating (SQL)
Before You Install or Upgrade Sage Estimating:
  • If you are currently using a previous version of Sage Estimating, create a complete backup copy of all Sage Estimating data and program files before installing this version.
  • If you are installing Sage Estimating on a new computer, make sure that .NET 3.5 is enabled.
  • Install the appropriate operating system service pack, make sure that there is sufficient hard disk space available, and ensure that your server and workstations meet all other hardware and software requirements.
    • For current information about supported operating systems, Internet browsers, Microsoft® SQL Server®, and other software, and about system requirements for servers and client workstations, see System Requirements: Sage Estimating (SQL) 20.1
  • Make sure that you have full control of the necessary folders, files, and registry keys on your file server, terminal server, and workstations that will have Sage Estimating installed.
  • Make sure that you have full control of the necessary folders, files, and registry keys on your file server, terminal server, and workstations that will have Sage Estimating installed.
  • Close all programs and services for the duration of the installation. This includes programs that may be running in the background such as antivirus, email, and backup programs.
  • Decide which installation scenario to follow.
[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB] 
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