One copy of the W-2 or 1099 isn’t printing


  1. Select PR, Taxes, Print W-2 Forms.
  2. Select Federal for the form type.
  3. Select the W-2/W-3 report.
  4. Select the Year and Filing period.
  5. Click OK.
  6. W-2 History File Options menu will display.
  7. Select eFile or Print Incomplete W-2s and click Next.
  8. Review any prompts and Next through the screens.
  9. When get to the W-2 Printing and Filing Options, select Other Options.
  10. Then select the form that you need to print and click Next.
  11. Continue with processing your forms.


  1. Select AP, Vendor, 1099 Processing.
  2. Select Open saved 1099 and click OK.
  3. Select the form you need to complete the processing. Then select Edit.
  4. 1099 History File Options menu will display.
  5. Select eFile or Print Incomplete 1099s and click Next.
  6. Review any prompts and Next through the screens.
  7. When get to the 1099 Printing and Filing Options, select Other Options.
  8. Select the copy that you need to print and click Next.
  9. Continue with processing your forms.
[BCB:163:Chat BusinessWorks US:ECB]


Steps to duplicate
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