Use this solution if you need late charges assessed from some late charge Steps, but excluded from other Steps (i.e. include on Step 1 but exclude on Step 2). If you need to exclude all late charges for specific charge types, refer to How do I exclude specific charge types from being assessed late charges in Property Management? To exclude a charge type from specific late charge Steps, use a Subject to formula in the late charge setup: - Set up a formula to use as the late charge step's 'Subject To' formula.
- In Property Management, from the Tools menu, select Formulas.
- Click New.
- If you want to exclude only one charge type, set up the following formula (ChargeType represents the charge type you want to exclude from some late charge steps):
Summary Charge Type (PM Open Item) <> "ChargeType" - If you want to exclude more than one charge type, set up the following formula:
Summary Charge Type (PM Open Item) <> "ChargeType" AND Summary Charge Type(PM Open Item) <> "ChargeType2" Tip: For more information about which Property Management records you can use for late charge formulas, refer to the Property Management Help topic, "Formula records." - Click OK.
- Type a name for your formula, then click OK.
- Click Close.
- Add your formula to the appropriate late charge Step on the property or lease.
- Go to the Late Charges tab on the property or lease:
- To access property late charge settings, from the Setup menu, select Properties, select the property, and then select the Late Charges tab.
- To access lease late charge settings, from the Tasks menu, select Manage Leases, Change Lease, select the lease, and then select the Late Charges tab.
- Select the appropriate Step tab at the bottom of the window.
- In the 'Subject To' formula list, select the formula you set up in step 1 above.
- Repeat for any additional late charge Steps on the lease and/or property as needed.
- Repeat for any additional leases and/or properties as needed.
- Click Close.
Changes to the property setup affect new leases that you start for the property. Changes do not affect existing leases. Each pre-existing lease that you want to change must be updated individually. |