Late charges are missing after processing in Property Management

The Trial Run was performed but Create Entries has not been completed.


It is recommended that you make a backup of your data before performing any of the Create Entries tasks.

  1. In Property Management, select Tasks, Create Charges, Late Charges.
  2. Select Create Entries, then click OK.
  3. Click Prefill. This will use the same prompts, Conditions, and Ranges that were used on the last run. (If it has been a while since you last ran the Trial Run, you may want to Cancel and do another Trial Run to verify nothing has changed before doing Create Entries.)
  4. Verify that the correct Cutoff DateTransaction Date, and Accounting date are entered, as well as the correct Conditions and Ranges are selected.
  5. If you are set to Manual posting in Property Management, decide if you want to post the entries now (mark the Post Entries check box) or if you want to manually post after.
  6. Verify the printer and/or file output is selected in the Printer Setup.
  7. Click Start.
  8. Review the journal to confirm what was generated and posted.
  9. If you are set to Manual posting in Property Management and did not mark the Post Entries box during the task, then select TasksPost Entries and use Ranges to select the batch to post.
  10. You may need to manually post entries in General Ledger Tasks, and Post Entries depending on your Post and Interface Settings.
Steps to duplicate
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