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Slow response typing values in Account No, Customer No, Item No, or Vendor No data entry fields with basic auto-complete enabled after 2020.3 or 2021.1 update installed.

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After updating Sage 100 2020 to product update 3 or Sage 100 2021 to product update 1, on data entry screens featuring Account No, Customer No, Vendor No, or Item No, there is a very slow response/pause as characters typed are displayed if the customer does not have Advanced Search enabled for auto-complete. NOTE: this is different issue from performance issue with screens being slow to load initially.



  1. Enable Advanced Search for Auto-complete by running Build Search Index utility (note: this will drastically change how the auto-complete search works if not currently enabled)
  2. De-select the Auto-complete selection in User Maintenance for the users reporting issue and for the type of field where issue is reported: Account, Customer, Item, Vendor.

After installing either 2020.3 or 2021.1 product updates, customers reported slow response in typing in "Number" fields (Account No, Item No, Customer No, and Vendor No) on data entry screens if basic auto-complete is enabled via User Maintenance Auto-Complete selections and Advanced Search is not enabled (they did not run Build Search Index utility and the \MAS90\MAS_SYSTEM folder does not contain INDEX_AC or INDEX_ACencrypt folders.



Fixed in the following releases:

Download Sage 100 2020.3 Program Fix LM6022T

Download Sage 100 2020.4 update

Download Sage 100 2021.1 Program Fix LM7003T

Download Sage 100 2021.2 update

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Steps to duplicate

8008816577 - Dan Install Sage 100 2020.3 or 2021.1 product update to existing install. Do not have Advanced Search enabled for Auto-complete (no \MAS90\MAS_SYSTEM\INDEX_AC or INDEX_ACencrypt folders exist). Have Auto-Complete selected for Account, Customer, Item or Vendor (whichever being tested) under User Maintenance - Auto-complete for the test Sage 100 user. Select Accounts Receivable - Main - Customer Maintenance. Type a value into the Customer No field and notice delay in value being displayed as typed. Also happens in General Ledger - Account Maintenance on Account No field. Typing 1000000 would display gradually with pausing between characters even though you typed entire value. Also happens on Item Maintenance - Item No field and Vendor Maintenance - Vendor No field with same delay reported. Turning off the Auto-complete selection for the desired field in User Maintenance - auto-completed and Accept the change will result in "normal" display of values as typed.