When you close the month, transactions should purge based on the months to keep history you have defined.
- CM, Utilities, Maintain C/M Parameters
- If you are not using the bank reconciliation feature, you will need to remove the checkmark from the 'Reconcile checks' checkbox
- Old transactions will purge the next time you close your Account Payable and Cash Management module
- Invoices and adjustments will purge once the invoice has been closed for the period of history you are keeping in CM, Utilities, Maintain C/M Parameters. (Example: If you are keeping 24 months history, and your invoice was posted on 06/01/2023, paid on 8/1/2023, the invoice will purge during August 2025 close)
- Invoices and adjustments will purge once the invoice has been closed for the period of history you are keeping in AR, Utilities, Maintain A/R Parameters. (Example: If you are keeping 24 months history, and your invoice was posted on 06/01/2023, paid on 8/1/2023, the invoice will purge during August 2025 close)
- Transactions will purge based on months to keep history in IC, Utilities, Maintain I/C Parameters. Part receipts, adjustments or returns will remain until the transaction has no remaining quantity. Once the quantity for the transaction has been issued the transaction will then purge based on months to keep history. (Example: You are keeping 24 months history in Inventory Control. A receipt was posted 6/1/2019 for quantity of 15. On 6/1/2023 the on hand detail report shows this receipt still has a remaining quantity. The transaction (receipt) will not purge until the quantity has been completely issued)
- Transactions will purge based on months to keep history in OE, Utilities, Maintain O/E Parameters
- Transactions will purge based on months to keep history in PR, Utilities, Maintain P/R Parameters
If your old transactions are not purging, the table may not have updated correctly. Contact Sage Customer Support using the Chat link below to schedule data analysis to review the table where records are not purging.