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How to correct State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) limit or rate

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Correcting SUI.


Formula was not updated.


  1. Go to File, Payroll Formulas, User-Maintained.
  2. From the Formula ID list, select XXSUI ER YY, where XX is the state abbreviation and YY the 2-digit current year [example: NCSUI ER 24].
  3. Make the needed changes to the Limit or Percent in the Formula field.
    • After LIMIT=, if needed, enter the correct SUI wage limit for your state, leaving the semicolon at the end
      Example, for a limit of $31,400: LIMIT=31400.00;
    • After PERCENT=, if needed, key in the correct SUI percentage as a whole number and decimal, leaving the semicolon at the end
      Example, for a rate of 1.5%: PERCENT=1.50;
  4. Click Save.

Below is a reference table for a comprehensive list of all wage limits for State Unemployment Taxes for the 2024 calendar as of the end of the 1st quarter:

State 2024 Wage Limit State 2024 Wage Limit
Alabama 8,000 Montana 43,000
Alaska 49,700 Nebraska 9,000 / 24,000*
Arizona 8,000 Nevada 40,600
Arkansas 7,000 New Hampshire 14,000
California 7,000 New Jersey 42,300
Colorado 23,800 New Mexico 31,700
Connecticut 25,000 New York 12,500
Delaware 10,500 North Carolina 31,400
District of Columbia 9,000 North Dakota 43,800
Florida 7,000 Ohio 9,000
Georgia 9,500 Oklahoma 27,000
Hawaii 59,100 Oregon 52,800
Idaho 53,500 Pennsylvania 10,000
Illinois 13,590 Rhode Island 29,200 / 30,700*
Indiana 9,500 South Carolina 14,000
Iowa 38,200 South Dakota 15,000
Kansas 14,000 Tennessee 7,000
Kentucky 11,400 Texas 9,000
Louisiana 7,700 Utah 47,000
Maine 12,000 Vermont 14,300
Maryland 8,500 Virginia 8,000
Massachusetts 15,000 Washington 68,500
Michigan 9,500 West Virginia 9,521
Minnesota 42,000 Wisconsin 14,000
Mississippi 14,000 Wyoming 30,900
Missouri 10,000    


*Note: Some states support two SUI wage limits, including one for Employers at the highest tax rate. Refer to your state taxing authority if more information is needed.


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