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How to undo a disposal

Created on  | Last modified on 


Steps to cancel or undo a disposal on an asset by deleting the Last Transaction or Resetting Depreciation.


Option 1: Reset Depreciation

  1. Go to the Detail view of the disposed asset.
  2. Go to Depreciation, Reset Depreciation.
  3. Select the Book, Select Beginning Date or Period Close Date, and click OK.
  4. On the Reset of Disposed Asset dialog, click Yes. This will clear the disposal and reset depreciation.

Option 2: Delete Last Transaction.

  1. From the Detail View of the disposed asset.
  2. Go to the Asset menu or click Transactions, Delete Last Transaction.
  3. Click Yes to clear the disposal.

IMPORTANT: In both cases, run depreciation for the month before the month of disposal before redoing the disposal of the asset.


  • A transaction is an action which appears on the transaction tab of an asset. These will be either a Disposal, a Partial Disposal, a Transfer or a Partial Transfer
  • Running Depreciation, making critical value changes and/or inactivating an asset isn’t considered a transaction

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