In Sage Fixed Assets:
Create groups in Group Manager using the criteria for each line below, and the run the Depreciation Expense report using each group. See How to create a group.
Note Depreciation Methods:
- MACRS General Depreciation (GDS) methods: MA, MF, MR, MI, MT
- Alternative Depreciation System (ADS) methods: AD, AA, RM, RH
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System depreciation (ACRS) methods: AT, SA, ST
- Straight Line depreciation (GAAP) methods: SL, SF, SB, SD, SH, RV
- The Declining-Balance depreciation (GAAP) methods: DB, DC, DD, DE, DH, DI
- The Sum-of-the-Year’s Digits depreciation (GAAP) methods: YD, YH, YD
For asset information to appear for a year-end of December, the Current through date will need to represent this date.
Line 2 Tax Expense Report - Acquired Value- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
- Tax Book 179 Qualified? is T
Line 14 Tax Expense Report - 168 Expense
- Prop Type is P
- Prop Type is R
- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
Line 16 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is P
- Prop Type is R
- Sort by Depreciation Method: Depreciation Method is Non-MACRS
Line 17 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is P
- Prop Type is R
- Placed in Service is less than 1/1/2022
- Sort by Depreciation Method: Depreciation Method is MACRS GDS
Line 19 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is P
- Prop Type is R
- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
- Depreciation Method is MACRS (MF, MA, MT, MI, MR)
- Sort by Estimated Life
Note: If taking 100% Bonus Depreciation your total will NOT appear on line 19. The 168 amounts will appear in Line 14. If it’s listed property (A, T, Q, S) it will appear in Line 25
Note: Part III, 19 i Nonresidentaial real property must meet three conditions:- Property type R
- Depreciation method MF100
- Estimated life 39 years
Line 20 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is P
- Prop Type is R
- Depreciation Method is AD
- Depreciation Method is AA
- Depreciation Method is RM
- Depreciation Method is RH
- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
- Sort by ADS life
Line 23 Manual Entry - §263A capitalized inventory
- In the Report Dialogue for the 4562 box, Choose the Additional Information button at the bottom. Manually enter the amount in Part IV-§263A amount - capitalized inventory
Line 25 Tax Expense Report - 168 Expense
- Prop Type is A
- Prop Type is Q
- Prop Type is T
- Prop Type is S
- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
Line 26 Tax Expense Report - Acquired Value and Current YTD
- Prop Type is A
- Prop Type is Q
- Prop Type is T
- Prop Type is S
- Placed in Service is less than 1/1/2022
Line 42 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is Z
- Placed in Service is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
Line 43 Tax Expense Report - Current YTD
- Prop Type is Z
- Placed in Service is less than 1/1/2022