NOTE: Changing Fiscal year end will change depreciation calculation on asset Placed-in Service during the short year period. Any prior calculations on those assets placed in server during the time frame of the change are to be consider invalid.
Note: There are Calendars available for each book created in the Premier product. One Calendar can be assigned all books, each book can have its own calendar or any combination in between. For Example, your Tax Books can remain on a Monthly cycle with a calendar year end while your Internal book uses an Alternate Account Period.
In Sage Fixed Assets - Premier Depreciation:
- Go to: File, Edit Company, click on the Edit Calendars button.
- Select the Calendar from the drop down list
- Under the Fiscal Year section: Highlight the year to be changed, click Edit Fiscal Year button.
- In the Edit Fiscal Year dialog: Select the month for the Fiscal Year End from the drop down box. If the month selected is different from the fiscal year end currently in that year, the selection will create a short year. Select the desired Accounting Cycle from the drop down box. If the Account Cycle selected is Monthly, the editing of the Fiscal year end is complete process to #6.
- If the Account Cycle selected is 4-4-5, 4-5-4, 5-4-4 or 13 Periods:
- Select the desired Day of the week for period end from the drop down box
- Select the desired Year End Election to use the Closest or Last day of the week to end the fiscal period
- Short Year Options (only available if a Short years was also created on this edit) controls whether the short year periods are counted from the Beginning of the year, or backwards from the end of the end
- Change of Accounting Cycle section: When changing the Accounting Cycle putting a check in the box for Redetermine the beginning of the fiscal year? could the Fiscal year end of the prior year so that the new accounting cycle will begin as if the new accounting cycle had always been in places.
For Example: Selecting the year 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 without changing the Fiscal Year End month from December, and changing the Accounting cycle from Monthly to 4-4-5, selecting Monday as the Day of the week and using the last Monday of the year putting a check in the box for Redetermine the beginning of the fiscal year? would result in the 2017 years ending on 12/25/2017 instead of normal Monthly cycle 12/31/2017 and the 2018 year would begin as of 12/26/2018
- Click Ok, click Ok to close Edit Calendar, click Ok to close Edit Company and save all changes.
Note: Adding a Short Year will not recalculate the depreciation to the new values. The Depreciation will need to be recalculated before the Short Year calculations will appear on reports:
- Go to: Depreciation, Depreciate to depreciate assets.
- Select the All Completed Assets group.
- Enter the Current Through date of the assets.
- Check the box for Force Recalculate.