- Located in Grand Forks, ND, Aatrix Software has been developing innovative accounting software solutions since 1986
- Read more about Aatrix innovative payroll tax solutions
- Using the expertise of a partner that specializes in state and federal filing provides clients with a more robust, easier-to-use system
- You can easily view, modify, and retrieve on-screen filings when you use Aatrix. You can also print or eFile without requiring a manual upload to a government site
- Aatrix guarantees compliance for any file processed on time via the Aatrix eFile Center. Aatrix replicates and updates more than 580 electronic form pages from over 250 supported forms in the US and Canada
- Aatrix partners with different government agencies so they can respond to changes quickly and guarantee compliance for any form filed on time
- Clients with separate data folders can combine W-2 and 1099 filings
- Aatrix error checking eliminates 99.9% of W-2 rejections, fines, and time spent with the Social Security Administration
Aatrix guarantees compliance for timely files via the Aatrix eFile Center, reducing 99% of rejections, fines, and Social Security Administration related time.
Aatrix keeps records of filings for seven years in compliance with Federal requirements.
Unless your state requires you to file electronically, you can submit printed forms.
View the pricing package below for your Sage product or visit
Sage 100
Sage 100 Contractor
Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate
Sage 300
Sage 50 US
Sage 500
For Sage BusinessWorks
In deciding to partner with Aatrix, our goal was to provide our customers with improved government filing capabilities and expertise, such as:
- Quicker form updates
- Guaranteed form compliance for any file processed on time using the Aatrix eFile Center
- Less risk of W-2 filing errors
We worked with Aatrix to provide our customers with these services while incurring the least amount of fees including package and special pricing offers.
Contact your Sage product support.
Contact Aatrix Support directly at 701-746-6814 or by email at [email protected]
Contact Aatrix Support directly at 701-746-6814 or by email at [email protected]
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