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Aatrix registration is required before reports can be printed

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When printing or eFiling the US Payroll Government Reports, Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix may display the message, "This product is currently unregistered. To register now, call 800-253-1372. You may continue in evaluation mode with the following limitations: 1. A DEMO watermark will appear on report printouts. 2. The eFile command is unavailable."


You no longer need to generate an Aatrix registration code for ABR036 (Sage HRMS), ACP040 (Sage 300 ERP), and APO042 (Sage 300 ERP Online (Hosted)).


The Aatrix Forms Update usually resolves the registration error. See Manually download Aatrix update.


If it does not, confirm that the company information is correct in the Common Services, Company Profile window. The auto registration feature will use the company details from Sage 300 ERP to ensure the information is correct. In some cases, the phone number may be incorrect.

If the registration still fails, contact Sage Support and provide the following information:


  • 10 digit Sage Account ID number
  • EIN (Employer Identification Number). This number can be found in Sage 300 ERP, US Payroll, Payroll Setup, Options, Tax Number field
  • Company Name. Please provide the name from Sage 300 ERP Common Services, Company Profile, in the Doing Business As field
  • First and Last name of the person requesting the registration code
  • Complete address, email and phone number (if this is different than what is on your account from Sage)


Customer Support will use this information to manually generate a registration code.



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