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How to reuse an invoice number on a bill

Created on  | Last modified on 


I have just removed one of my bills off of the Proof stage. How can I ensure that I use the same invoice number when I generate the bill for this client again?


If a bill is generated and Do Nothing is selected in the approval stage, Timeslips will have no record of that bill ever having been generated


Option I: If the bill is currently in Proof or Revision
  1. Select Setup, General
  2. Choose the Bills option under the Transactions heading
  3. Mark the option Reuse invoice numbers of cleared Proof Stage bills or last undone approved bill
  4. Select OK to save the changes
Option II: If the bill is already cleared

  1. Select Setup, General
  2. Choose the Bills option under the Transactions heading
  3. Make note of the Next invoice number listed
  4. Change the number temporarily to the invoice number you want to apply to the bill
  5. Select OK
  6. Generate and approve the bill
  7. Start over using steps 1 and 2
  8. Change the invoice Next invoice number back to the original number recorded in step 3 above
  9. Select OK

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