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How to enter job costs or certified payroll for salaried employees

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How to enter job costs or certified payroll for salaried employees, in Sage 100 Contractor


To enter hours for job costs or certified payroll for the entire Salary

  1. On the 5-2-2 Payroll Record, enter the employee's full salary in the Salary field
  2. In the Timecard grid, enter the Date, Description, Job, Cost Code, Pay Type, Paygroup (for certified payroll), and Yes in the Certified column (for certified payroll)
  3. Leave the Pay Rate field blank.
  4. In the Hours field enter the number of hours worked for the Job.
  5. In the Comp Code field, enter the employee's Worker's Compensation Code
  6. Sage 100 Contractor will job cost the entire salary proportionally by the number of hours attributed to each Job.

To enter hours for job costs or certified payroll for only a portion of the Salary

  1. Follow the steps in the previous section above.
  2. Enter an additional timecard line.  Assign no job to this line.
  3. On the last line of the Payroll Record, in the Hours field, enter the remaining hours you do not want to job cost. This information must be entered on the last line of the Payroll Record or the entire salary will be job costed.
  4. Sage 100 Contractor will only job cost the timecard lines that have a Job assigned to them

To enter job costs or certified payroll hourly wages in addition to the salary amount

  1. Delete the amount in the Salary field
  2. Enter the salary as a single timecard line, using 1 hour in the Hours field and the per pay period salary amount in the Pay Rate field.  Do not enter a Job on this line.
  3. Enter the remaining hours with a job in the Job field,  for the additional wages that are being job costed. This will make the Gross Pay equal to the salary plus the additional job wages, and only the job wages will be job costed.

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