Instructions for how to export check register details to create a Positive Pay report in Sage BusinessWorks.
Sage BusinessWorks 2024 or newer
Sage BusinessWorks 2023 or older
▼ Export vendor and non-vendor (instant) checks - CM, Transfer, Custom Exports.
- Click the New button and enter a name for your template.
- Select CM All Checks for the Data Source.
- Select the following fields to include both Vendor and Instant checks.
- CheckNo
- CheckDate
- Amount
- RemitName (This is an optional field)
- Nschk_PayeeName (This is an optional field)
- Click Next.
- Select CheckNo in the Set Sort screen to sort by check number.
- Next.
- Set your filters to filter by check date for the day you create the file. Include both vendor and non-vendor checks.
- Field Name: CheckDate
Operation: Between
Values: (Enter your date range in the mm/dd/yyyy format) - AND
- Field Name Status
- Operation: =
- Values: 0
- OR
- Field Name Status
- Operation: =
- Values: 32
- Click Done.
- Select Export.
- Accept the default to export to Microsoft Excel and View on Screen.
- In Excel, select File, Save As.
- Save as type CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv).
▼ To include payroll checks, vendor and non-vendor (instant) checks - CM, Reports, Check Register.
- Primary sort by: Check #.
- Type of Check Register: Summary.
- Include what entries: Select Today's checks/EFTs or Specific date range and enter the desired date.
- Select which checks you wish to include in the report.
NOTE: To include only outstanding and voided checks to appear in the report, check the following options and uncheck all other options. - Include outstanding checks
- Include voided checks (This is an optional field. Some banks require voided checks)
- Include other checks
- Include payroll checks
- Preview to screen.
- Right-click on the report and Select All.
- Right-click on the report and Copy.
- Open MS Excel and Paste.
- Save as type CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv).
- Make any edits to your file in Excel.