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Error: "The database login failed. Logon failed. Error in the file..." in Sage 100 Premium

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Error: "The database login failed. Logon failed. Error in the File XX_XxxxXxxx { }.rpt Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters." when printing a Crystal Report form or report in Sage 100 Premium edition. Example : "The database login failed. Logon failed. Error in File GL_ChartofAccounts 7352_6364_{4ec503f2-dccd-458c-9eb1-41a9d9eb01be}.rpt Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters."


  • TCP/IP Disabled for SqlServer instance
  • Sage 100 Premium is not being accessed or run with correct permissions.
  • The MAS_Reports password is incorrect or out of sync between the SQL Server and Sage 100 Premium host. This usually ocurrs after a new installation or conversion, or after restoring a database.


  • Verify TCP/IP is enabled for SqlServer instance
    1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
    2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and select SQL Server Instance
    3. Enable TCP/IP for SqlServer instance
  • Sage 100 may not be accessed or run with correct permissions:
  1. Right-click the shortcut to start Sage 100.
  2. Select Properties
  3. Access the Compatibility tab
  4. Select (enable) the Run as Administrator (or Run this program as an Administrator) check box
  5. Click OK
  6. Access Sage 100 using the shortcut
  7. Try printing or previewing the Crystal Report form or report again
  • The MAS_Reports password may be incorrect or out of sync:
  • Note: The password is automatically generated during the installation. The Sage MAS 200 SQL Settings Utility is used to maintain the passwords for the MAS_User and MAS_Reports logins. These settings are stored in the MAS90\MASSQL.Settings file. This utility will sync the password between SQL Server and the Sage Application. These records are save in the MAS90\HOME\MASSQL.Settings file.
  1. From the Sage Software > Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL program group
  2. Select Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Settings Utility
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select Update SQL Server check box (do not use name [localhost])
  5. Type in new password for MAS_User
  6. Type in new password for MAS_Reports
  7. Select Accept
  8. Next screen will be prompted to access the SQL server
  9. Provide the sa password or NT Authentications, whichever will work.
  10. Test

Note: You should select the “Update SQL Server” check box. Do not use {local} as the server name. If the database server has been moved can update the “Database Server” name to point to new server.

  • Add Inbound Firewall Rule for SQL Server Browser Service on the SQL Server
  1. Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Options (Right-Click Start button, select Run, Type: WF.MFC, click OK)
  2. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule
  3. Select Port on Rule Type screen
  4. Click Next
  5. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select UDP.
  6. Select Specific Port Numbers and then type the port numbers: 1434
  7. Click Next twice
  8. On the Profile screen, select the desired Network Profile(s) to apply settings (Domain, Private, Public)
  9. Click Next
  10. Enter Name and Description for Rule (i.e. 'SQL Server Browser')
  11. Click Finish
  • Add Firewall Rule for SQL Server Instance
    1. Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Options
    2. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule
    3. Select Program on Rule Type screen
    4. Click Next
    5. In the Program dialog box, select This program path
    6. Select Browse and navigate to Instance of SQL Server that you want to access through firewall, and then click Open
      • Example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11\Instance_Name\MSSQL\Binn\Sqlserv.exe
    7. Click Next twice
    8. On the Profile screen, select the desired Network Profile(s) to apply settings (Domain, Private, Public)
    9. Click Next
    10. Enter Name and Description for Inbound Rule (i.e. Sage 100 SQL)
    11. Select Finish
  • Uninstall\Reinstall Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client


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