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When should I archive last year's company data?

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When should I archive last year's company data, in Sage 100 Contractor?


 UPDATED: Version 26.1 and later offers the option to combine archiving of the oldest fiscal year and the oldest payroll year during the Archive Oldest Fiscal Year process in Database Administration for Sage 100 Contractor.  To perform this action, the company database's Fiscal year-end date must be December 31, just like the payroll year-end.


Sage 100 Contractor can hold multiple years of accounting data and produce correct accounting reports for all years. Therefore, it isn’t required that you archive your company data at the end of your fiscal year to move into the new fiscal year. Wait to archive your oldest fiscal year's accounting data until you’ve entered all transactions, corrections, and prior year adjusting entries recommended by your tax advisor. It isn’t uncommon to wait multiple months before you proceed with the Archive Oldest Fiscal Year process.

Examples of why to wait to perform the archive the oldest fiscal year:

  1. Invoices and payments haven’t all been entered for the last fiscal year.
  2. The tax advisor has not given you the prior year adjusting journal entries to post.
  3. Bank reconciliation hasn’t yet been completed for a prior fiscal year month.

Reasons you may want to archive your oldest fiscal year:

  1. You’re running low on computer disk space.
  2. You would rather view each year in a separate company database.
  3. Your Sage 100 Contractor reports are running slowly.
  4. You’re selling your company to a new owner.
  5. You’re changing your fiscal year-end date.

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