How to set firewall exceptions needed for Network and Premier editions.
Windows firewall blocks communication between the client and server.
On the server:
- Go to: Start, Control Panel, Windows Firewall
- Turn Windows Firewall off for Domain Networks, Private Networks, Public Networks or add a Port Exception:
To add a port exception to the Windows Firewall:
- Log into the computer as an Administrator, Click on Advanced settings
- Right click on Inbound Rules, New Rule, Port, Next.
- With the dot in TCP (default), with the dot in Specific Local Ports: Enter the value 2638 (Network) or 1433 (Premier), click Next.
- With the dot in Allow the Connection, click Next.
- Check all boxes for Domain, Private and Public, click Next.
- Enter a value in the Name: field, click Finish.
- Repeat same to add Outbound Rule.
On the client:
- Go to: Start, Control Panel, Windows Firewall
- Turn Windows firewall off for Domain Networks, Private Networks, Public Networks or add a Port Exception:
To add a port exception to the Windows Firewall:
- Log into the computer as an Administrator, Click on Advanced settings
- Right click on Inbound Rules, New Rule, Port, Next.
- With the dot in TCP (default), with the dot in Specific Local Ports: Enter the value 2638 (Network) or 1433 (Premier), click Next.
- With the dot in Allow the Connection, click Next.
- Check all boxes for Domain, Private and Public, click Next.
- Enter a value in the Name: field, click Finish.
- Repeat same to add Outbound Rule.