
See the links to online help topics in the Additional Information section below.
Note: This is just a basic guide provided in order to setup a basic Estimating report through the Crystal Reports application. Sage Support does not create Crystal reports for the Estimating or Accounting applications. The steps in this article were designed for the Crystal Reports XI Release 2. If you are using a different version of Crystal Reports the workflow may be slightly different.
1. Start Crystal Reports.
- Select [File], [New], [StandardReport]
2. The ‘Standard Report Creation Wizard’ will appear
- Expand [Create New Connection]
- Expand [OLE DB (ADO)]
3. The ‘OLE DB (ADO), OLEDB Provider’ dialog will appear
- Select ‘SQL Server Native Client 12.0’ & click [Next]
4. The ‘OLE DB (ADO), Connection Information’ dialog will appear
- In the 'Server:' field, enter your SQL instance. For example, enter (local)\SAGE_ESTIMATING.
- Check the 'Integrated Security:' checkbox.
- From the Database drop-down, select the Estimate Database or your design-time database.
5. You will be back in the ‘Standard Report Creation Wizard’ on the ‘Data’ tab
- Expand the database node you just added
- Expand the [Report] schema node
- Select some tables. For example:
Item_v1 - Click [Next]
6. You will be back in the ‘Standard Report Creation Wizard’ on the ‘Link’ tab+
- Click [Next]
7. You will be back in the ‘Standard Report Creation Wizard’ on the ‘Field’ tab
- Select some fields. For example:
Item_v1.TakeoffUnitName - Click [Finish]
8. You will be back in the main Crystal application in preview mode.
9. The Field Explorer should show on the right.
- In the Field Explorer pane, right click on [Parameter Fields] and select [New]
- In the [Name:] field, enter [Estimate Id].
- In the [Type:] drop-down, select [Number].
- In the [Value Field] drop-down, select [Estimate_v1].[EstimateId].
- Click [OK].
10. You will be back in the main Crystal application in preview mode.
- With the ‘EstimateId’ parameter selected, in the main menu select [Report], [Select Expert…].
11. The ‘Choose Field’ dialog will display.
- Select [Estimate_v1], [EstimateId] & click [OK]
12. The ‘Select Expert’ dialog will display
- In the drop-down select ‘is equal to’.
13. A drop-down will appear to the right.
- In that drop-down select [EstimateId] & click [OK].
14. The ‘Enter Values’ dialog will display so you can enter an Estimate Id.
- If you know the EstimateId of a [Report] estimate in the database, enter it.
- Click [OK].
15. The ‘Change In Record Selection Formula’ dialog will appear.
- Click [Refresh Data].
16. If you selected a valid EstimateId, preview data will appear.
- In the main menu, select [File].
- If [Save Data with Report] is checked, uncheck it.
- In the main menu, select [File],[Save].
17. The ‘Save As’ dialog will appear.
- Navigate to an easy-to-find folder.
- Enter the report file name.
- Click [Save]