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How to schedule backups and maintenance in Sage 100 Contractor

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Regular backups and maintenance are created and maintained through Database Administration on the server.
  1. Go to the server, open Database Administration, and click Connect
  2. Click Schedule Nightly Maintenance
  3. To create a maintenance schedule for a company, click Create Maintenance Schedules
  4. To edit the schedule for a company that already has a maintenance schedule, click Modify Maintenance Schedules
  5. To delete the schedule for a company, click Remove Maintenance Schedules
  6. Select the company or companies to create/edit/remove the maintenance for
  7. When creating or modifying a schedule, select the time for the maintenance and how many backups to keep at a time
  8. Click the Save Schedule, Modify Schedule, or Remove Schedule button, depending on which function you are performing


  • Nightly maintenance includes a backup of the data and tune-up (data check and repair)
  • Automatic backups will go to the Backups folder inside the Sage100Con folder on the root of the data drive selected during installation
  • The default location for backups can be edited under Advance Settings, Advanced Backup Settings
  • Companies with an existing maintenance schedule will not appear on the list for the Create Maintenance Schedules option
  • Maintenance schedules are created as part of the process when creating a new company or migrating company

 TIP:  There is no need to run nightly maintenance on databases you are not actively using, such as older archive companies. To save drive space, you should remove the scheduled maintenance task for these databases.  If you notice that your nightly backups are not running, it could be because the maintenance task is running under an account that doesn't have SQL admin rights. For a solution, please refer to the article noted in Related Solutions

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