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Add a crystal report to the Sage HRMS menu

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Add a custom Crystal report to the Sage HRMS menu How to add a Crystal report to the Sage HRMS menu Cannot add a custom Crystal report to the Sage HRMS menu Add a Report to the Sage HRMS menu Add a Crystal report to the Sage HRMSmenu Cannot add Crystal reports to Sage HRMS Menu Drop-down to add Crystal reports to Sage HRMS Menu is blank



Custom Crystal reports must be saved in the Crytal report folder for the product selected. (Example: C:\ProgramData\Sage\SageHRMSServer\Data\Custom Reports\HR)


CAUTION: Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.

Crystal Reports must be present in a product folder under Data Directory path prior to adding the reports below.

How to add a custom Crystal Report to Sage HRMS reporting menu

  1. Logged onto Sage HRMS as the Master user or a member of the Master user security group
  2. Ensure all other Sage HRMS users from the application have exited the program using the "Who's Online" icon
  3. From the Navigation Pane: Select Setup, System and Customize Menu
  4. On the Customize Menu Panel: Select a Product, Select Report for the Activity, Select 'All' from the Group drop-down list, and select nothing (blank) for the submenu. The report groups appear in the list on the right.
  5. To add a group, click Add. The Customize Groups dialog box opens.
  6. Enter the name of the new group in the Report Group field for example use Crystal Reports as the name of the new group.
  7. Enter a message in the Status Bar message text box. (This message will display in the Status Bar at the bottom of the Sage screen whenever the mouse pointer is mover over the report group int he Reports menu. If you enter nothing, the status bar message will default to the name of the report group.)
  8. Click 'OK' to save changes and close the dialog box
  9. Select the new group from the Group drop-down list or click on it from the report window. (The list on the right shows all the reports in the group. Initially, there are none.)
  10. To add a report, select Add
  11. The customize reports dialog box opens. (This dialog box enables you to select any of the reports located in the C:\ProgramData\Sage\SageHRMSServer\Data\CustomReports\HR or Payroll or Attendance, etc. folder for the product selected. For example, to add a custom Crystal Report to a report group created in HR Reports, the custom Crystal Report must be saved in the C:\ProgramData\Sage\SageHRMSServer\Data\CustomReports\HR folder.)
  12. Click 'OK' to save your changes and close the dialog box
  13. If desired, add additional reports to the group
  14. You will be prompted to Rebuild System Files after adding a report. (This Process is necessary for the Sage HRMS menu to update and show the new report.)

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