CAUTION: Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
- Change SyncStatus field to '1' in PR_SPASyncControl.m4t file using Data File Display and Maintenance
- Have everyone else exit Sage100
- Open Library Master, Utilities, Data File Display and Maintenance. Select 'OK' to warning message
- Select folder icon to the right of the File Name field and select ...\MAS90\MAS_System\PR_SPASyncControl.m4t
- Select Open
- Select Edit
- Select '2 - SyncStatus (numeric)' from the Field Number dropbox field
- Enter: '1', in Change field
- Select OK
- Exit Data File Display and Maintenance
- Open Payroll, Utilities, Payroll Tax Update
- Select Proceed
- Click OK