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What is Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan?

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Information about CERP (Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan) and CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit)


The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action to support Canadian businesses facing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To support businesses that are facing revenue losses and to help prevent lay-offs, the government is proposing to provide eligible small employers a temporary wage subsidy. Learn about the plans here:

This article will be updated with any future developments. You may be required to provide documentation in the form of reports to apply for the subsidy.

For Gross wages for each employee, including Officer(s) if paying T4 wages, there are several report options available.

  • Check Activity Report (Reports/Pay Period Processing/Check Activity)
  • Employee Earnings by Check Date (Accumulates all Earnings)



    Check Activity Inquiry

For PTO, Vacation Pay and Family Medical Leave Pay for Each Employee use the following reports.

  • Employee Earnings by Check Date. Accumulates all Earnings within a specific Check Date range.


  • Vacation by Date Range. Enter the specific Pay id to see your totals within a specific Check Date Range.


For Province and Federal taxes assessed on each Employee's earnings use the Subject to by Date range.

This report is found under Reports/Tax Preparation/Subject to by Date range.

  1. Choose your transaction file (most likely current).
  2. Enter your check date range.
  3. Select Employee level taxes.

This report will include Gross pay, Federal, Provincial Level taxes. It will include the Taxable, Subject to and Tax amount. This report can also be saved to an XLS workbook or PDF.

For Fringe amounts for a specific date range:

  • Fringe Register (Reports/Registers/Fringe Register) Note: this report cannot be conditioned by Fringe ID
  • Fringes by Credit Account (Reports/Reconciliation/Fringes by Credit Account) Note: This report can be conditioned by Fringe ID

For a report that includes Regular Hours, Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay, Other Pay, Gross Pay, Employee Taxes, Misc Deductions, Net Pay, Employer Taxes and Fringes, download the PRCheckTotalsReport.rpt and add it to your reports in Payroll using report manager. This report includes a count of the number of employees in the Report Totals.
Attachment: PRCheckTotalsReport.rpt

Note: This report does not break out the information by Pay ID, Tax ID, Fringe ID or Deduction ID. For Additional assistance in customizing reports and/or creating documents please contact your Consultant or Business Partner.


Additional report: Attachment: PRHoursEmplyePayTypeByCkDate.rpt


Learn more about the latest measures:

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