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“Unable to convert column X to a number” while importing in 2024.0

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  • This issue is exclusive to version 2024.0 of the program. Updating to version 2024.1 or higher will resolve the issue
  • If you are not on 2024.0 or have already applied the fix, the acquisition value must only contain a number with a decimal point. Don’t include commas or dollar signs

On a Custom Import for new assets or disposing existing assets in 2024.0, dollar values with 1 - 12 before the decimal and .01 - .31 after the decimal will error on Validation. If the issue continues after applying the new .dll, ensure there are no dollar signs or commas in the column in excel.

  1. Close Sage Fixed Assets.
  2. Download
  3. Right-click the downloaded zip file and select Properties.
  4. Put a check in the Unblock box and click Apply and OK.
    Note: If the Unblock box is not there, move on to the next step.
  5. Extract the Sage.FAS.DataMove.dll from the downloaded zip.
  6. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Fixed Assets\<Depreciation product folder> and rename the existing Sage.FAS.DataMove.dll to.old and copy the extracted Sage.FAS.DataMove.dll to the same location.
  7. Open Sage Fixed Assets and try the Custom Import again.

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