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Unable to properly connect to PAYA or VT for processing credit cards | UPDATED:(2/1/2024)

Created on  | Last modified on  Highlight Matches


Unable to properly connect to PAYA or VT for processing credit cards | UPDATED:(2/1/2024)


  • Unable to properly connect to PAYA or VT for processing credit cards (2/19/2024)
  • Encountering errors when attempting to process credit cards or validate merchant ID
    • Unable to validate merchant account in Sage Exchange Sage Exchange connection currently unavailable
    • Sage Exchange connection currently unavailable. Unable to connect to the Java server. Verify the connection information and try again
    • Sage Exchange connection unavailable at this time. Please try later.


PAYA (CC processor) had updated their connecting certificates on 2/19/2024

Certificates need to be re-applied to older systems using the deprecated JavaBridge Component


New Certs have been supplied by PAYA for distribution

See below document and certificate download links

Exploring the help commands of the keytool executable. You should delete the previous ones first:

keytool -delete -alias OV_NetworkSolutionsDVServerCA2 -keystore [Your Environment Path]\JAVV1\JAVAB123\BridgeTools\SOFTS\JVM\jre\lib\security\cacerts
keytool -delete -alias OV_USERTrustRSACertificationAuthority -keystore [Your Environment Path]\JAVV1\JAVAB123\BridgeTools\SOFTS\JVM\jre\lib\security\cacerts


Note: This issue does not apply to Version 11 or higher of Sage X3. It is recommended to utilize a newer version of Sage X3 to avoid this issue as PAYA can update certs without notice.


Download document on how to apply certs HERE

Download certificate package HERE