Unable to migrate the vault and store database: External component has thrown an exception. Unable to connect to Payroll database
Unable to migrate the vault and store database: External component has thrown an exception. Unable to connect to Payroll database
- Only the files mentioned are to be copied to the client workstation.
Close Sage HRMS client if it’s running.
Apply the following to the needed workstation.
1. Locate your existing Abra.Payroll.Security.DLL and rename them to Abra.Payroll.Security.DLL.old.
This file is located on a client machine running Sage HRMS. The typical location is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage\Sage HRMS Client" and will be different if installed to a different location.
2. Copy the new Abra.Payroll.Security.DLL and UpdateSecurityUsers.exe files to this location.
3. Right-click and run UpdateSecurityUsers.exe as the administrator, to update payroll to a strong password. The same strong password can be used.
4. Run Sage HRMS.
Special Notes
This applies to Sage HRMS Q1-2024 only. UpdateSecurityUsers.exe can be deleted once successfully updated.

Verify IT gives permissions to SQL user account, if they’re using a non 'sa" SQL account and this account have dbcreator and securityadmin under Server roles. This in the RA 24042215708770. They must also right-click and run as administrator at least for the first time after updating the sql user roles.