Why am I prompted to install a tax form update after downloading and installing the most recent update manually?
This issue can be caused by damaged content in the FormViewer directory.
  1. Close your program and browse to the following location:
    • For 32-Bit Microsoft Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Peach
    • For 64-Bit Microsoft Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Peach
  2. Locate and rename the FormViewer directory to OldFormViewer
  3. Go to http://aatrix.com/sage50accounting
  4. Click Download Now to download the form update file
  5. Install the downloaded update
  6. Verify the forms will now load without prompts

Solution II: Manually change the dates in the updates file

  1. Close the program
  2. Browse to C:\ProgramData\Aatrix Software\Aatrix Forms\Peachtree. Note: If you do not see the Program Data folder see the Related resources section for instructions on showing the folder.
  3. Open the UPDATES.ATX FILE
  4. Modify the first line and make the LastChecked and LastUpdated dates read the current date. See example.
  5. Save the file
  6. Verify the forms will now load without prompts

DocLink: How to show file extensions and hidden files, folders, and drives

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