How can I provide Payroll reporting for the CARES Act (H.R. 748)?

The CARES Act provides important debt relief provisions for small businesses carrying existing SBA loans that are impacted by the Coronavirus. Under this new program, SBA will pay all principal, interest and fees for six months on existing loans within 30 days of the law’s enactment.

The Small Business Administration Loan Application Requires certain Payroll Reports.


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The Loan application process requires specific Payroll reports.

For your 2019 IRS Quarterly 940, 941 or 944 Payroll Tax reports, use your Aatrix Saved reports to provide these documents. They can be saved as a PDF or printed. If you are required to provide 2019 W2's use your Aatrix Saved Reports to reprint or save the file to a PDF. See How do I reprint a federal or state tax form (using Aatrix eFile and Reporting) for instructions for accessing your saved Aatrix reports.

For Gross wages for each employee, including officer(s) if paid W2 Wages, there are several report options available.

  1. Check Activity Report (Reports/Pay Period Processing/Check Activity).
  2. Employee Earnings by Check Date report accumulates all earnings.
  3. Check Activity Inquiry.

For PTO, Vacation Pay and Family Medical Leave Pay for Each Employee use the following reports. (Reports in attachments).

  1. Employee Earnings by Check Date. Accumulates all Earnings within a specific Check Date range.
  2. Vacation by Date Range. Enter the specific Pay id to see your totals within a specific Check Date Range.

For State and Local taxes assessed on each Employee's earnings use the Subject to by Date range.

This report is found under Reports/Tax Preparation/Subject to by Date range.

  1. Choose your transaction file (most likely current).
  2. Enter your check date range.
  3. Select Employee level taxes.

This report will include Gross pay, Federal, State and Local Level taxes. It will include the Taxable, Subject to and Tax amount. This report can also be saved to an XLS workbook or PDF.

For Fringe amounts for a specific date range:

  1. Fringe Register (Reports/Registers/Fringe Register) Note: this report cannot be conditioned by Fringe ID
  2. Fringes by Credit Account (Reports/Reconciliation/Fringes by Credit Account) Note: This report can be conditoned by Fringe ID

For a report that includes Regular Hours, Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay, Other Pay, Gross Pay, Employee Taxes, Misc Deductions, Net Pay, Employer Taxes and Fringes, download the attached PR Check Totals report and add it to your reports in Payroll using report manager. The report includes a count of the number of employees in the Report Totals. Note: This report does not break out the information by Pay ID, Tax ID, Fringe ID or Deduction ID

NOTE: For additional assistance customizing reports and/or creating documents please contact your Consultant or Business Partner.

Want to add a report to your application reports menu? See How do I save, add, and print a report design?


Attachment: PREmpErngsTotalsCkDate.rpt

Attachment: PRVacationByDateRange.rpt

Attachment: PRCheckTotalsReport.rpt

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