How to create a new pay type



 NOTE: You must have 20 pay types to be able to click Finish on the Add Salary Wizard otherwise it won't let you click Finish. 

 TIP: Don't use Tab, or it will create new pay types infinitely. 

  1. Go to Maintain, Payroll, and then click Payroll Settings.
  2. Click Company Information.
  3. Select Pay Types.
  4. For Release 2021.1 or newer: Select either Add Hourly Pay Type or Add Salary Pay Type.
  5. Enter your new Pay Type name.
  6. Select the GL Account Number field on the same line.
  7. Select the desired GL Account Number from the Chart of Accounts list.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Assign pay rates for each employee Pay Info tab for the new pay type to appear in payroll entry.

There can be an unlimited number of Pay Type fields created. However, the employee records are still restricted to actively using 20 pay types at one time.

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Error: "When naming a pay type, the name must start with a letter, be at least two characters long, and it cannot have spaces or special characters."