Install and Configure SQL Server (SQL)

If you are installing Sage Estimating for the first time or if you want to create a new SQL Server Instance, install or configure a supported version of SQL Server on the computer on which you installed Sage Estimating. Refer to the Sage Estimating SQL Server Guide for information about installation and the SQL Server settings that Sage Estimating requires. The installation guide referenced in later steps can be accessed here.

If you want to use an existing installation of SQL Server, refer to "Configuring SQL Server" (page 34) for settings for creating and configuring a new instance.

If you need to create a new SQL Server instance, you can select the Create a new local SQL Server instance option during installation. This option will install a new instance of SQL Server Express 2014.

Important! If you are using Sage Estimating in a multi-user environment, Sage recommends that you use the standard SQL Server product. Although SQL Server Express is a reasonable choice for smaller scale implementations, it does not support databases larger than 10 GB and can only use 1 GB of RAM (among other limitations), so we do not recommend that you use it for a shared SQL Server instance.

If you are operating in a workstation/server environment (see "Installing and Configuring Sage Estimating" (page 15)), you do not need to install SQL Server on the workstations.

Important! To allow communication with a remote SQL Server instance, you may need to set firewall exceptions for the SQL Server Database Engine and the SQL Server browser services. If your firewall blocks network traffic between your computer and the SQL Server instance, you will not be able to connect workstations to the server. See article 88869, DocLink: Sage Estimating SQL firewall ports, for more information.


  • At the instance name prompt, type a name for the new SQL Server instance (database server) in the box, and then click [OK].

The default instance name is SAGE_ESTIMATING, but you can give the instance any name you want provided you do not give it the same name as any existing SQL Server instance on the computer.

  • SQL Server allows an unlimited database size. However, SQL Server Express limits the database size to 10 gigabytes (GB). Sage Estimating warns you if your database size nears the limit.

If you select the option to create a new SQL Server instance in the Select installation options for Sage Estimating window, the installation process automatically configures a new Sage Estimating-compatible instance for you.

  • If you plan to migrate existing data from Pervasive-based Sage Estimating (version 9.6 and later) to version 20.1, you must install SQL Server on the destination computer or server.
  • The installation process may restart your computer. If your computer restarts, log back onto your computer at the prompt.
  • You can install an approved instance of SQL Server side by side on a computer where other versions of SQL Server are installed. Be aware that installing Sage Estimating may result in an "Install completed with errors" message. However, the resulting Sage Estimating installation operates correctly.

Caution! Sage recommends against installing SQL Server on a domain controller. Installing SQL Server on a domain controller is a security risk, and not recommended or supported by Microsoft.

For current information about supported operating systems, Internet browsers, Microsoft® SQL Server®, and other software, and about system requirements for servers and client workstations, refer to our Knowledgebase article ID 105383, vailable at System Requirements: Sage Estimating (SQL) 20.1

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB]

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DocLink: What is the process involved in installing Sage Estimating? (SQL)