Checking Out, Checking in, and Undo a Checkout (DBE SQL)

Checking Out and Opening a Standard Database

When you select a standard database to edit, Database Editor opens a copy of the selected standard database. Using Database Editor, you can edit the copy of the standard database, but your changes do not take effect in the Sage Estimating software until you check it in again.

Note: Operators can continue using the standard database in the Sage Estimating software. However, they cannot make any changes to the standard database until you check it in again.

You can check out more than one standard database for editing in the Database Editor.

To check out and open a Sage Estimating standard database:

  1. On the application menu, click [Open/Check Out].
  2. Select the standard database that you want to open.

Note: Standard databases that are already checked out are indicated with a red check mark.

  1. Click [OK].

Each time you start the Database Editor, the Database Editor opens the last open standard database, provided it is still checked out.

After opening a standard database

After opening the standard database, click Home tab > View group > Items to view items in the standard database, or click Home tab > View group > Phases to view phases.

Checking in a standard database

Although you can save your changes to a checked-out copy of a standard database, you must check in the database to save the changes permanently—and to make the database available for editing in the Sage Estimating software.

Before you start

Before checking in the standard database, save your changes. The Database Editor prompts you to save changes if you have not already done so.

If the Database Editor finds any error conditions in the Items grid or Phase grid, locate and resolve each error before saving your changes and checking in the standard database.

To check in a standard database, either:

  • On the ribbon, from the Database group on the Home tab, click Check In.
  • On the application menu, click Check In.

Undo Checkout

You can undo a checkout for a database you are working with in Database Editor. Undoing the checkout deletes the copy of the checked-out standard database without saving your changes, and removes the lock on the database so that other users can edit it.

Note: If you do not check in the standard database, you lose any changes you made since checking it out.

Operators with the required permissions can make and save changes to the standard database through the Sage Estimating software after you undo its checkout.

To undo a checkout, either:

  • On the ribbon, from the Database group on the Home tab, click Undo Checkout.
  • On the application menu, click Undo Checkout.

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