Getting Started with Database Editor (DBE SQL)
[BCB:2:Database warning:ECB]

You use Database Editor to make large-scale changes to one or more standard databases including:

  • View, create, edit, and delete group phases, phases, and items.
  • Filter and find data elements.
  • Replace text within all data elements or a range of data elements.
  • Undo edits.
  • Update database prices by importing a price update file.
  • Change the sequence of data by incrementing item numbers or phase numbers.
  • Create a new standard database.

The Database Editor offers two primary grid displays for viewing and making changes to standard databases:

  • The Items grid.
  • The Phase grid.
You can make your changes available in the Sage Estimating software by checking in the standard database.

Supported Environments
Database Editor supports any operating systems supported by Sage Estimating.

Microsoft Terminal Services
We do not support the use of Database Editor on a terminal server. If you run Database Editor on a terminal server, you risk performance problems and every user must share the same layouts and filters.

Create a New Standard Database (DBE SQL) 

Checking Out, Checking in, and Undo a Checkout (DBE SQL) 

Manage Layouts window (DBE SQL) 

Manage Columns (DBE SQL)

Editing Data (DBE SQL) 

Pasting from Other Applications (DBE SQL) 

Importing Data (DBE SQL) 

Using Filers (DBE SQL) (

Integrity Checks and Logging (DBE SQL) 

Getting Started: Welcome to Estimating (SQL)

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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