System Administrator Backup tool excludes extended data files when the Data Only option is selected


The Actian/Pervasive database is made up of multiple .MKD files for the different records that make up a data file.

If an .MKD file is more than 2GB, then extended files are created with a file extension of ^01, ^02, ^03, etc.

The System Administrator Backup tool is excluding these extended files from the backup when the Data Only option is selected.

An excludedFiles.txt is included in the backup .zip file created which lists the files that were excluded.


Use the All files options when creating backups through the System Administrator Backup tool.

When you want to backup only a specific company data folder, you can use the compress folder (.zip) option through File Explorer as an alternate method. Or refer to article , DocLink: How do I backup Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate files without using file tools?

As always, you should verify and test that your backups are complete.

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