How to enter another country address on a 1099 or W2 in Aatrix?
  1. In the W-2/1099 Preparer window, in the left pane, scroll to the right to get to the Country Code column (after the Zip/Postal Code column).
  2. For the appropriate payee/employee/vendor, in the Country Code field, type the first letter of the country to activate the State/Foreign Names list.
  3. Select the appropriate country then click OK.
  4. Correct the rest of the address fields as needed (State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, etc). Note: If the country does not require a State/Province, the field can be left blank.
DocLink: How do I print or generate Form 1099-INT for deposit interest paid in Property Management?
DocLink: How do I print or generate W-2s?
DocLink: How do I print or generate Form 1099 in Accounts Payable?

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