How do I print or generate W-2s?



Follow these steps to print W-2 forms using the Federal eFile and Reporting task.


Select the form

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Federal eFile and Reporting.
  2. In the Federal eFile and Reporting window, select the report and year that you want to generate, then click Next.
    Note: If you have local taxes, click Link Aatrix Tax Types to assign your local tax ID to the applicable tax item. See information about linking local taxes.
  3. If you’ve created more then one W-2 form in Payroll, the W-2 Format Selection window displays. Select the applicable form and click Next.
  4. In the Employees to Process, all employees are selected by default. Clear the check box for employees to exclude them from the W-2 and W-3 reports, then click Next and Generate.
    Note: You don’t need to clear the check box for employees with zero wages for the reporting year. W-2 forms will only generate for employees with wages in the reporting year.
  5. Select No thanks, start processing my W-2/W-3s and click Next.

Verify company information

  1. Verify your Federal Employer ID Number and click Next.
  2. Verify your company information and click Next.
  3. Select I am filing for my company/employer and click Next.
  4. In the State & Local Tax Items window, assign the tax account number and add all state and local taxes that you need to report. If you have already completed a federal or state tax form, the items may prefill.
    1. Click Edit to change the items already listed and Add to set up new tax items. The text on the window shows you the correct format.
    2. To continue, click Next.
  5. Verify your selections in the Data Verification window and click Next. Click the Help icon for more information about the available selections.
  6. Verify your selections on the W-3 information window and click Next. Click the Help icon for more information about the available selections.
  7. If you need to combine multiple files into a single W-2 run, select Yes, I use multiple data files for this EIN. If all employee totals are stored in a single payroll file, select No, I use a single payroll data file for this EIN. See more information about combining multiple data files for a single EIN.

Verify employee information and totals

  1. Verify the employee information on the left side of the W2/1099 Preparer Grid. Make necessary corrections and click Next Step.
  2. Confirm the email address for any employees that elected to receive their W-2s electronically and click Next Step.
  3. Verify the W-2 Box 1-7 Federal tax totals for each employee. Make necessary corrections and click Next Step.
  4. Verify the W-2 Box 16-20 State tax totals for each employee. Make necessary corrections and click Next Step
    Note: Aatrix tax forms will allow you to correct amounts accumulated when processing payroll. These changes won’t flow through to your accounting data. If any amounts are incorrect, close Aatrix and make any necessary corrections in Payroll, then generate your W-2 forms again. Some fields may not be editable in "Test" mode.
  5. Review the special offers notification and click Next.

Print and/or eFile your forms

  1. Select the applicable options for printing and/or eFiling your forms, then click Next.
  2. Based on your selections, follow the prompts to include state-specific filing forms. Verify the applicable forms and click Next when prompted.
  3. Review the forms that will generate in the Review Data window. Click Print to print the list. Click Next.
  4. Reviewed your W-2 forms. If you need to make corrections, close the window and start over. If the forms are correct, follow the prompt at the top of the screen to print copies, then click Next Step. Repeat this step for each form you selected to print in step 17.

eFile your forms using the Aatrix eFile center

  1. If you haven’t enrolled with Aatrix, click Enroll to launch the Aatrix eFile Center. Click Enroll and follow the prompts to set up your account. After setting up your account, click I have Enrolled and have my Login ID on the Aatrix Secure eFile - EIN NOT ENROLLED window.
  2. If you have an account with Aatrix, the Aatrix Secure eFile - Login window will display.
  3. Enter your Username and Password and click Login.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the eFiling process.


Learn more: Visit Sage University to watch a video that shows you how to perform this task. Search for the Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate anytime learning subscription titled Year-end Procedures.

You can store copies of your employee W-2 forms with Sage Paperless. This allows your company to securely store these documents while making them readily accessible when needed. Contact our Sales team at 1-800-858-7095 or by email at [email protected].


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