Performing data migration (SQL)

Note: A Pervasive Server Engine must be installed on the computer running the Estimating Management Console running the Migration tool.

  1. Launch the Estimating Management Console (Start, All Programs, Sage, Estimating [version], Estimating Management Console.)
  2. From the Estimating Management Console, click Data Migration.
  3. Select step 2—Settings in the Data Migration window.
  4. Click SQL Server (left-hand pane) then select a destination Address Book and Estimate database for your migrated data.
    • Click Select next to the Address Book Database or Estimate Database box to specify a database from the current instance.
    • This typically only needs to be done once. If you choose to migrate more data later, these settings are remembered in the console.
  5. Click Pervasive (left-hand pane).
    • The Estimating Management Console performs an automatic check of your Pervasive databases and verifies they meet data migration prerequisites.
    • The Estimating Management Console displays one or more error messages if prerequisites are not met.
    • Correct each error condition then try the verification process again by clicking Reverify.
  6. a.) Click Options then select the Enable detailed logging check box AND the Allow non-administrators to view and edit migrated estimates...

IMPORTANT: Checking the Allow non-administrators gives access to all but the permissions will be constrained by the role you assign the users without that option only the user who migrated. Enabling detail logging may cause the data migration process to perform slower but will give you more direction on the cause if a item fails to migrate..

  1. Click step 3—Select Databases.
  2. Click Browse and locate the path to the data folder where the Pervasive data you want to migrate is located then click OK.
    • The Data Migration window displays the selected folder path in the Starting folder box.
    • The Sage Estimating scans the selected folder for all Pervasive databases that are available for migration and displays them in a list below the Starting folder box. If desired, you can click the arrow key to the right of the Browse button and perform one of the following actions:
      • Cancel scanning. The scan process can be lengthy, depending on the number and size of the files within the selected folder. Select this option to stop the scan at any time.
      • Rescan. Select this option to scan the selected folder again.
        NOTE: The Estimating Management Console does not scan backup data folders (PEBackup folders). If the Estimating Management Console is unable to locate certain Pervasive databases, the databases may be residing in a PEBackup folder. Try renaming the PEBackup folders and restart the scan.
  3. Select the check box for each Pervasive database in the list that you want to migrate. You can select estimates, Address Book, and standard databases for migration.
    • NOTE: To preserve links between estimates and standard databases, Sage recommends migrating your estimates concurrently with (or after) your standard databases. Migrating estimates before or separately from their standard databases breaks any links with their associated standard databases and disables
      certain editing functions in the spreadsheet.
  4. Click Migrate to begin the migration process.
    • The migration process may take some time, depending on the size of the databases you are migrating. You can view the status of the migration from the migration event log by clicking step 4—Event log.
    • If desired, you can also select other Pervasive databases for migration by repeating steps 1-9. Any additional migration jobs you schedule are placed in a queue and performed in order.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB]

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