Understanding data migration (SQL)

Understanding data migration
Database migration involves two steps:

  • Scanning your existing Pervasive data to determine if it meets the SQL Server minimum requirements.
  • Conversion to the SQL Server format.

The Estimating Management Console performs these steps together when you start the data migration process. When you migrate your Pervasive databases, the Estimating Management Console creates a corresponding database file (.mdf extension) in the specified SQL Server instance.

Changes in the database structure

Whereas Pervasive allowed you to arrange your estimates in a hierarchal folder structure within each database, Microsoft SQL Server stores all your estimates on the same level only.

If you have arranged your estimates in Pervasive folders and subfolders, the Estimating Management Console attempts to re-create the arrangement using "branches" in place of folders. These branches are for organizational purposes only; they do not change the structure of the estimates in your databases.

During the migration process, the Estimating Management Console may rename some of your database files to comply with SQL Server requirements.

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