Files | Name in Reindex File List | Can safely delete |
Address.dat | Addresses | No |
AdvData.dat | Advisor User Data | Yes |
AdvHist.dat | Advisor Message History | Yes |
Alarm.dat | Alarms | Yes |
Alert.dat | Alerts | Yes |
Apiaccss.dat | Can only be reindexed using Repair Company | Yes |
Atmntbdl.dat | Attachment Bundle | Yes |
Attchmnt.dat | Attachment | Yes |
Audittr.dat | Audit Trail | Yes |
Avgdtpay.dat | Can only be reindexed using Repair Company | Yes |
Bankrec.dat | Bank Rec | No |
Bddetail.dat | Budget Details | No |
BomHist.dat | BOM History | No |
BomItems.dat | BOM Comps | No |
Budget.dat | Budgets | No |
Budgetar.dat | Budgets Ar | No |
Cashflow.dat | Cash Flow | Yes |
Cfacct.dat | Cash Flow Account | No |
Cftrans.dat | Cash Flow Transaction | No |
Chart.dat | Chart | No |
Chartar.dat | Chart Ar | No |
ChgOrder.dat | Change Orders | No |
CODetail.dat | Change Order Details | No |
Company.dat | Company | No |
Connco.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Contacts.dat | Contacts | No |
Cosess.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Cost.dat | Cost | No |
Customer.dat | Customer | No |
Defprfld.dat | Default Payroll Fields | No |
EarnSumm.dat | Employee Earning Summary | No |
Employee.dat | Employee | No |
EmpPayinf.dat | Employee Payroll Info | No |
Empprfld.dat | Employee Payroll Fields | No |
Esprfld.dat | Employee Earning Summary - Fields | No |
Eswage.dat | Employee Earning Summary - Wage | No |
Eventlog.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Forecast.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Foredetl.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
General.dat | General | No |
GLCoat.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Grpdata.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Invchain.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Invcomp.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Invcost.dat | Inv Cost | No |
Jobest.dat | Job Est | No |
Jrnlhdr.dat | Jrnl Header | No |
Jrnlrow.dat | Jrnl Rows | No |
Jrnlsno.dat | Jrnl Serial No.’s | No |
Lineitem.dat | Line Item | No |
NotAdMsg.dat | Notification Additional Messages | No |
NotCdVal.dat | Notification Conditional Values | No |
NotMsg.dat | Notification Messages | No |
NotRecip.dat | Notification Recipients | No |
NotRecip.dat | Notification Recipients | No |
NotRules.dat | Notification Rules | No |
Notifica.dat | Notifications | No |
Olacct.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Oltrans.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Paymethd.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
PDSIDMap.dat | Sage HR ID Map | No |
PEPUsage.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Periodar.dat | Period Ar | No |
Permiss.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Phase.dat | Phase | No |
Project.dat | Project | No |
QtyDisc.dat | Qty Discount | No |
RaiseHst.dat | Raise History | No |
Recon.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Recpttag.dat | Recpt Tag | No |
Recurex.dat | Recurring Transactions | No |
Report.dat | Report | Yes |
Review.dat | Employee Reviews | Yes |
Roles.dat | Roles | No |
Rptdata.dat | Report Data | Yes |
Rptfilts.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Rstydef.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Rstyle.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Statcode.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Stathist.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Statnote.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Storetrx.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Stxhdr.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Stxrow.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Syspref.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Taxauth.dat | Sales Auth | No |
Taxcode.dat | Sales Tax | No |
Taxtable.dat | Tax Table | Yes |
Template.dat | Template | Yes |
Ticket.dat | Tickets | No |
Unitmeas.dat | Unit/Measure | No |
UPSinfo.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
UPSship.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | No |
Userpref.dat | Can only be reindexed with Repair Company | Yes |
Userrole.dat | User Roles | No |
Vendins.dat | Vendor Insurances | No |
Vendor.dat | Vendor | No |
Worktkt.dat | Work Tickets | No |