Unable to open the Database Utility - Network


The Sybase SQL engine did not start on the Local server on installation because another Sybase engine is running on a different server or workstation with the same engine name, or is running and not accepting request. The Sybase can be anywhere on the local network. In the case of a cloud hosted site installation the Engine name needs to be unique to each installation.

The following is not the only method to start/re-start the Sybase engine and assumes this is a new installation of the Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network server.

[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]

On the server with Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network Server is installed:

First make sure you are running the database utility as an administrator. Right click on the shortcut and select Run as Administrator. If you are still unable to open the database utility. Follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Is the Engine Running?

  • Right-click the Task Bar, select Start Task Manager, check the Processes tab for DBSRV10.exe (version 2015.1 or prior) or DBSRV16 (version 2016 - 2018.1) or DBSRV17 (version 2019.1 or higher)
    • If present, the Sybase Engine is running on the server but is no longer accepting requests, End the Task on the DBSRV10, DBSRV16 or DBSRV17.
    • If not present, find the server or workstation on which the Sybase engine is running and Stop then Disable the engine there or for a test environment see Step 2 below.

Step 2: Start the Service:

  • Run the Service directly from the Service Manager application file:
    1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the FASSVCMGR.exe file (Default location C:\SFAServ\COMMON)
    2. Right-click the FASSVCMGR.exe and select Run As Administrator
    3. Edit the -n parameter to be something other than the default engine name

      For Example:
      Note: when changing the -n parameter, the only speical charter allowed in the Underscroce

      Default service Parameters: -gp 4096 -ti 0 -tl 120 -gd all -n SFA_Engine
      Change to: -gp 4096 -ti 0 -tl 120 -gd all -n SFA_Engine_New

      Note: SFA_Engine_New
      is only an example, SFA_ would work also.
    4. Click Save and click Start.
  • Share the installation folder for the Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network Server: Ensure the following: The SYSTEM account and Administrators have Full Control and Fixed Asset Users have at least Change\Read of the SFAServ share for both Sharing\Permissions and Security.

Step 3: Open the Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking and Find the sample database.

  1. In the Registry of the system go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\Best Software\NWBESTSYS, Enter in the value of the -n parameter for the ENGINENAME.
  2. Go to: Start, Programs, Sage Fixed Assets, Tools, Right-click Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking and select Run as Administrator.
  3. Click Find, Browse to where the database(s) is located (Default location C:\SFAServ\Data), click OK, click Search.
  4. Once found, highlight the FAS.db database, click on Add and the database will disappear from the list of found databases.
  5. Once complete click Cancel to close the dialog.

Or in the case of database existing in the list prior to the Engine Name change:

  1. Highlight the database(s) listed one at a time, click Configure
  2. Change the Engine Name to match the new -n parameter value.

Step 4: Open the Install.cfg (default location C:\SFAServ) to edit for the new Database Engine name if you had to change it after the installation completed.

IMPORTANT: If you manually updated the -n parameter with a new Engine Name on the Production Server (as per Step 2 above) and you have existing Sage Fixed Assets Network clients installed, you will need to update the workstation's Registry as well, to have the new Engine Name.

On each Sage Fixed Assets Network workstation:

  1. In the Registry of the system go to: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\Best Software\NWBESTSYS
  2. Find ENGINENAME, right-click it and select “Modify…”, under Value data: type in the new Enginename used in Step 2, Sub 3 above.

[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]
Steps to duplicate
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