How to use automatic and manual Payroll calculations

Automatic Payroll Calculation

  1. Enter time cards using PR, Processing, Time Card Entry.
  2. Run the PR, Processing, print Time Cards, Current to verify the time cards.
  3. Select PR, Processing, Automatic Payroll Calculation.
  4. Select the option to Print Payroll Register.
     NOTE: If an employee has both standard and regular time cards, the system calculates based on the regular time card.
  5. Print the Payroll Register and review for accuracy. Reprint the Payroll Register if it didn't print after the Automatic Payroll Calculation.

Manual Payroll Calculation

  • Record a payroll processed externally to Sage BusinessWorks. Modify tax, deduction, or other pay figures calculating using Automatic Payroll Calculation
  1. PR, Processing, Manual Payroll Calculation.
  2. Select the employee and YES if prompted to use the calculated check on file.
  3. Adjust any taxes, deductions, or other pays.
     NOTE: If adjusting the amount of a pre-tax deduction, manually adjust the taxable pay to ensure the W-2 and tax forms are correct. 

Notes on Manual Payroll Calculation

  • If a time card includes items for different jobs, editing deductions or other pay posts the entire amount to the first job listed
  • If you change percentage-based taxes without adjusting taxable pay, Sage BusinessWorks will self-adjust the tax during the next automatic payroll calculation
Steps to duplicate
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