How to create invoice credits (negative invoices) to track credits in Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable module does not track open credit detail for each credit memo you post to a vendor account.  The amount is added to the vendors open credit balance.  If you wish to track detail of vendor credits, you can post a negative invoice.


To track detail of the vendor credit:

  1. Post a credit memo in AP, Invoices, Invoices, Enter
  2. Select the vendor and enter the amount as a negative amount
  3. To apply the open credits when selecting to pay your vendor:
    • Option 1: AP, Checks, Invoice Selection, Manual
      • Select the vendor
      • Click List Invoices
      • Select all the invoices to pay including the negative invoice
      • The total amount to pay the vendor will be reduced by the negative invoice
    • Option 2: AP, Checks, Enter Payments
      • Select the vendor
      • Select the invoices you are paying including the negative invoice
      • The total amount to pay the vendor will be reduced by the negative invoice
  4. To apply the negative invoice to pay an invoice in full


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