Set up and add an Other Pay to employee paycheck

Before you begin

  • Job Cost Posting: You can't post an Other Pay to Job Cost. Use a Miscellaneous Pay
  • Changes to Other Pay Taxable Status Check Boxes: Create a new deduction or other pay to change the taxable status of an existing other pay
  • Task Codes: You can't assign a Task code to an Other Pay. Use a Miscellaneous pay

Create the Other Pay

  1. Select PR, Utilities, Maintain Other Pays, and select the New button.
  2. Method: Select the method of calculation.
    • Variable, entered on time card - Allows you to add any amount when entering the time card
    • Fixed amount per pay period - Adds a fixed amount per pay period to your employee's earnings
    • Fixed amount per hour - Adds a fixed amount per hour to your employee's earnings
    • Percent of base hourly pay - Adds a percentage of your employee's hourly wages
  3. Limits: Enter a limit to have the Other Pay stop calculating when your employee has reached the limit.
  4. Active Dates: Enter the active date range, if applicable. The Other Pay will calculate using your computer date during the active dates defined.
  5. Taxable Status: Consult the Internal Revenue Service or your tax advisor for taxable status and W-2 reporting requirements.

Add the Other Pay to the employee record

  1. Select PR, Employees, Maintain Employees.
  2. Click the Other Pays button, then add the new Other Pay.
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Steps to duplicate
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