If the original deduction or other pay taxable status, category, or method was correct, but has now changed: -
Create a new payroll deduction / other pay with the correct taxable status -
Deactivate the old deduction / other pay -
Assign the new deduction / other pay to the employee If the deduction or other pay was initially set up incorrectly:
Click here if the deduction occurred in the CURRENT quarter: -
If you are still in the same current quarter, void the payroll check in PR, Processing, Void Payroll Checks -
Create a new deduction or other pay with the correct taxable status and/or category in PR, Utilities, Maintain Deductions/Maintain Other Pays -
Deactivate the old deduction / other pay in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Deductions.../OtherPays... -
Activate the new deduction on the employee in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Deductions.../OtherPays... -
Assign the new deduction / other pay to the employee -
Reissue the payroll check. Note: When reissuing the new check, the amount should be the same net amount as the original check. Use Manual Payroll Calculation to make any adjustments prior to printing the new check. If unsure how to adjust the taxes, please consult your tax accountant. -
Click here if the issue occurred in a PRIOR quarter: -
If you are no longer in the same current quarter, you are not able to void and reissue the payroll check. -
Create a new deduction or other pay with the correct taxable status and/or category in PR, Utilities, Maintain Deductions/Maintain Other Pays -
Deactivate the old deduction / other pay in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Deductions.../OtherPays... -
Activate the new deduction on the employee in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Deductions.../OtherPays... Note: Any checks processed with the new deduction will be correct. -
Since the checks cannot be corrected, the tax reports will need to be adjusted manually to reflect the correct amounts. Consult your tax advisor on any questions relating to the proper amounts. CAUTION: Contact your accountant when unsure of the taxable status of the deduction or other pay
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